'Moorsholm Memorial Hall' Jubilee Pictures Order Page

HM The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Pictures

The Big Picture

There are three versions of the Big Picture — two are designed to fit a 12x10 frame, readily available at High Street stores such as Boots, Boyes and Yorkshire Trading. One picture includes the caption "Moorsholm Jubilee Photo June 4th 2012", and the other has no caption.

Big Pic No Caption       Big Pic With Caption

The third version version is 12 x 5 Panoramic, but there's no readily available frame for that. You will have to have one specially made to fit — there is a framer in Chalenor Mews, and occasionally another on Guisborough Market.

Big Pic (Panoramic)

For the smaller pictures from the Sports and Street Party, 6x4 frames are readily available.

To order copies, please download and print the Order Form, fill it in, and deliver it with your money to Hazeltree Farm or South Lane Farm, or contact vicechairman@moorsholmmemorialhall.org.uk (660515) for more details.

We will be taking more orders up to (and at) Moorsholm Show on August 25th, after which we will once again be making a bulk order of prints in order to get the best advantage from volume discounts, and make more money for the Memorial Hall.